IntelCenter Database (ICD)
720+ million data points on terrorist, rebel, proxy & separatist groups
collection, exploitation & analysis
human & generative AI processing
30+ years of data
now with
5 Classes of Domain GenAIs
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The ICD is the most comprehensive open source counterterrorism database available today with more than 720 million data points on terrorist, rebel, proxy and separatist groups. The ICD contains 17 different database components covering terrorist and rebel group created content such as audio and video releases, photos, graphics, magazines, books, training manuals and cyber tools as well as terrorist statements, incident reports, terrorist logos, identity data, terrorist social media accounts, emails and phone numbers and more going back to the early 1990s.
The data IntelCenter collects goes through extensive language-enabled analyst and generative AI processing, metadata exploitation and 3rd party data enrichment. The end result is a single terrorist video has more than 235 structured data fields and a photo more than 140. This extensive processing powers discovery like never before and a host of analytics.
Transcription and translation are key elements in the ICD. More than 85 languages are transcribed and more than 200 translated. Search can be used in English or the native language of any particular group. IntelCenter not only provides AI translated English transcripts but also inserts English subtitles back into the terrorist group videos to help better understand what a group is saying. For non-English speaking customers, IntelCenter can provide translations into languages other than English.
Key Features:
• New information added 24/7
• 5 Classes of Domain GenAIs
• Language-enabled analyst and generative AI processing
• AI object, landmark, logo, barcode, QR code and face detection as well as text extraction, named entity recognition and much more
• Alert notifications for significant terrorism developments
• 1.7M+ records on terrorist activity amounting to 720M+ data points
• Covers more than 1,660 groups around the world
• 2,400+ analytical reports
• 266K+ terrorist and rebel incident reports
• 99K+ reports on terrorist and rebel statements
• 230K+ terrorist and rebel audio/video releases amounting to 17,500+ hours of material with AI translation, subtitling, named entity recognition, keywords, keyphrases and sentiment analysis.
• 4,200+ terrorist and rebel books, magazines and newsletters amounting to 90,000+ pages with AI translation
• 1.1M+ terrorist and rebel images with AI object detection, face detection, age detection, gender detection, landmark detection, logo detection, barcode detection, QR code detection, text extraction & translation
• 1,800+ records on terrorist and rebel logos
• 930+ records on hostages
• 20,000+ records on individuals associated with terrorist and rebel groups
• 22,300+ records on terrorist cyber points of presence
Discounted pricing is available for university and college libraries, email to get a quote.